It’s no secret that pollution is fatally harmful to not only our planet but to our personal health as well. The more we progress as a society, the more harmful emissions are being pumped into our environment. There are some pretty obvious causes for pollution that most people know about, such as greenhouse gases and littering, but the reality of it goes way beyond the well-known causes. As environmental consultants, we’ve compiled some information to further improve your understanding about pollution.
Pollution can take many forms
Other than the obvious forms such as water, air and land pollution. There is also noise pollution and light pollution. Noise pollution is categorised as any sound that affects human and animal life. Typically, sound above 80db is considered noise pollution and constant, long exposure to sounds above 80db can be hazardous. This can include noises coming from vehicles or construction sites or loud music.
Light pollution– alternatively known as photopollution – on the other hand, is excessive and obtrusive artificial light. Some of the effects of light pollution include the disruption of astronomical work and ecosystems, as well as wasting energy. Light pollution can mislead animals and affect their instinctive habits such as migration. It also has an effect on melatonin within humans, which is naturally regulated by light and dark environments.
Tap water is undrinkable in China
The majority of major Chinese cities have high levels of water pollution and is deemed unfit for drinking purposes. 85% of Shanghai’s water supply is polluted and 95% of Tianjin’s is similarly unclean. Even in Beijing, 40% of their water is graded to be unsuitable for human contact.
Water pollution mostly comes from a handful of Countries
Whilst it is vital that everyone does their part to cut down on plastic use and other things that pollute the ocean, the majority of water pollution only comes from a small number of countries. China had a whopping 8.80m metric tonnes worth of plastic waste that ended up in the oceans in 2010. Indonesia is the second highest country but with only 3.20m metric tonnes. That’s a 5.6m difference between the top two countries.
A more recent study has shown that there are 10 major rivers that are contributing to water pollution, eight of which are from Asia:
- Yellow River
- Yangtze River
- Hai River
- Amur River
- Pearl River
- Indus River
- Mekong River
- Ganges Delta River
The final two rivers are the Niger and Nile Rivers in Africa.
Water pollution doesn’t just affect marine life
It is estimated that 844 million people across the world do not have access to a clean drinking water service. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has also said that 3.2 million children that are under the age of five die each year in developing nations due to the consumption of unsafe drinking water.
People throwing garbage on the ground and water bodies make up for 80% of the worlds water pollution. The littering on the mainland is swept away down storm drains and into the ocean where it builds and amasses into giant piles the size of cities. A lot of water pollution is also caused by air pollution. Contaminated soil is carried through the air and will settle onto the ocean further polluting it.
Water pollution also helps to spread water-borne diseases such as:
- Typhoid
- Cholera
- Paratyphoid Fever
- Dysentery
- Jaundice
- Amoebiasis
- Malaria
- And many more
Human waste can cause multiple types of pollution
Many people have different reasons for defecating in the open environment – they may not have access to proper waste disposal systems, or it may be because of their customs. Either way, defecating in the open carries with it massive pollution risks. Amongst the fecal excrement infecting groundwater supplies, the waste will eventually build-up leading to the attraction of flies and other insects.
The insects will land on the faeces and carry the fecal matter around with them, landing on food and other things, causing microbes. This can lead to all sorts of problems for the human body such as malnutrition – especially in children – as the insects are essentially spreading diseases.
Are you looking for environmental consultants?
At Alpha Environmental, we pride ourselves in the important work we do to better the environment. As environmental consultants, we seek to further educate the public on the ways in which they can better themselves and be more environmentally conscious. We also offer a wide range of environmental services.
If you’d like to know more about what we do – or simply want to understand how you can further reduce your impact on the environment – then please give our environmental consultants a call on 1300 039 181 or send us a message through our website here.