How To Reduce Water Waste In Seven Easy Steps

Water is a necessity in life. Not only do we need it to survive, but also for day-to-day activities and chores such as washing and plumbing. Water levels are constantly monitored around the world to make sure the threshold is not dropped below – which would result in water-bans. There are a lot of ways in which we – as individuals – can save water. This not only saves money but makes a helpful impact on the environment and encourages green-living, according to our Melbourne environmental consulting team.


Where does our water come from?

To be able to save water, you should first understand where the water we use comes from. The majority of water comes from either groundwater or surface water. Groundwater sources are made up of rain and snow seeping into the ground where it is stored in open pores and spaces. The water is harvested through underground wells and springs. Surface water comes from lakes, rivers, reservoirs and other similar sources. Surface water sources are also made up of rain and snow.


Tips on how to save water

  1. Turn off the tap
    Even something as small as not letting the tap run whilst you’re brushing your teeth can save over six litres of water a minute. Or even when handwashing dishes – only have the tap on when you need the water to rinse instead of letting it run the whole time. Be sure to fix any leaking taps as well as dripping water – no matter how little it seems – will add up over a short amount of time.
  2. Showers
    Showering should be kept between five-ten minutes at the absolute max. If you’re using a high-pressure shower head, then you should be aiming more for five minutes as every minute uses around 25-litres of water. You should opt for a water-saving shower head that will drastically reduce that output.
  3. Plan your washing
    When you do your washing you should make sure that you’re doing a full load. Doing half-loads can use a lot more water for less. A tip – front-loading washing machines use a lot less water in general than top loaders. You can also reuse the water from the wash on your garden, that way you’re reusing it in a useful manner. If you decide to do this though then make sure you’re using a garden-safe detergent.
  4. The toilet
    There are a few things you can do regarding your toilet to help you save water. Firstly, check to see if there are any leaks. This can be done by putting food dye in the tank – if the colour seeps into the bowl within the next half hour then there is a leak that should be fixed as soon as possible.There are also – if you’re looking at upgrading your toilet – water and energy efficient toilets that can be purchased which greatly reduce the amount of water that is used. The easiest thing you can do when it comes to saving water and your toilet though is using the appropriate flusher – half flush for liquid waste and a full flush for solids.
  5. Food
    It takes an enormous amount of water to produce food – this includes anything from vegetables and fruit to meat and dairy. Extracting meat and dairy from animals are very water-intensive and by cutting down your intake of these sorts of products then you can reduce your water footprint.For vegetables – try steaming them instead. This will cut down the water usage and also help the vegetables retain more of their natural flavours. If you do choose to boil them, then keep the excess water for the garden or to use in a soup.
  6. The garden
    Water the garden strategically. If you do it in the evening or early morning, then there’s less chance of the water evaporating from the sun or heat. Also – as mentioned above – try to find ways to water your garden using water from sources other than the tap.
  7. Save rainwater
    Set up a catchment system at home to collect as much rainwater as you can for you to use at home. Not only will this save your water bill, but in especially wetter and rainy climates you could end up using rainwater for your every day needs a lot more than tap water.


Are you looking for an environmental consulting agency in Melbourne?

Alpha Environmental is a Melbourne environmental consulting agency that specialises in a myriad of services related to environmental education and solutions. Our highly skilled Melbourne environmental consulting agents are fully qualified to carry out whatever task you may need, whether it be groundwater assessment or asbestos management.

If you’re in need of a Melbourne environmental consulting agency then please give us a call on 1300 039 181 or send us a message through our website.