
  • environmental consulting Melbourne The Science Behind Groundwater Remediation 05/04/2024

    Australia’s groundwater resources are invaluable because they serve as a lifeline for communities, agriculture, and ecosystems. However, the integrity of these resources can be under threat from different sources of contamination, such as industrial activities, agricultural runoff, and urban development. If groundwater is contaminated, this poses significant risks to human health, the environment, and economic …

  • environmental services A Comprehensive Guide to the Importance of Soil Assessments 26/02/2024

    In the vast and varied landscapes of Australia, there lies a hidden world beneath our feet – the soil. While sometimes overlooked, soil is the bedrock of ecosystems, agriculture, and infrastructure. Understanding its composition, health, and characteristics is paramount for sustainable development and environmental stewardship. This month, we delve into the importance of soil assessments …

  • mould on a windowsill 6 Things to Know About Mould and the Australian Summer 08/02/2024

    As our summer months unfold, we are faced with the extreme conditions that this season brings, but also with an often-overlooked challenge – mould. While the stereotypical impression of our Australian summers is one of harsh and dry heat, the unique patterns of our climate and the negative effects of climate change make our summers …

  • phase 1 environmental site assessment Future Proofing Development: Integrating Phase 1 Assessments for Sustainable Projects in Australia 27/12/2023

    As the juggernaut of development continues to charge ahead in Australia, a shift is underway – one that seeks not just immediate progress, but long-term sustainability. At the forefront of this evolution is the integration of Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) into development projects. Beyond mere compliance, Phase 1 assessments are becoming instrumental in …

  • office Christmas 4 More Ways to Make Your Office Christmas More Environmentally Friendly 04/12/2023

    Along with being the season of Christmas parties and end-of-year celebrations of all kinds, this is also an extremely busy time for most workplaces. That means that when it comes to the office Christmas party, you want it to be as easy and stress-free as possible. However, there might be another consideration that you want …

  • environmental consultant wearing a mask How Can Environmental Consulting Solutions Help the Community Thrive? 10/11/2023

    The vitality of a community is intricately tied to the health of the environment in which it exist. Environmental solutions thus play a pivotal role in ensuring that all communities survive, but also thrive in harmony with their surroundings. This month, we take a deep dive into the ways that environmental consulting in Melbourne can …

  • where to get professional environmental consulting experience How Can I Create a Greener Workspace? 9 Ways to Design an Environmentally Friendly Office 30/10/2023

    Today, the concept of sustainability has transcended buzzword status and has now become a fundamental principle for many individuals and organisations alike. An area that has seen an obvious shift is in office design and office culture. Many businesses in many industries are recognising how important it is to create environmentally friendly workspaces that can …

  • environmental consulting 6 Strategies for Effective Recycling and Waste Management in the Office 12/09/2023

    Environmental consciousness is on the rise, businesses from small and family-owned, to larger workplaces and corporations are looking to be proactive about the environment and contribute to a sustainable future. There are so many ways for offices to do this, but this article will focus on waste management and recycling programs in the workplace. When …

  • Australia’s natural environment The Power of Environmental Consulting: Solving Complex Environmental Challenges in Australia 22/08/2023

    Australia: our country features stunning landscapes, beautiful natural wonders, and its own unique biodiversity. However, this means that Australia also faces its own set of environmental challenges; unique, complex, and multifaceted. In 2023, the need for sustainable solutions to these challenges has never been greater. We face the impacts of climate change, the need to …

  • groundwater testing Tackling Groundwater Contamination in Australia: Examining Challenges and Solutions 06/07/2023

    As ecosystems and the global population face increasing water scarcity, the majority of water systems that sustain them are becoming progressively constrained. Groundwater, which constitutes approximately 30 percent of the world’s freshwater, is often regarded as a dependable source. However, groundwater contamination poses a significant challenge to Australia’s resources and environmental well-being. Throughout the country, …

  • hazardous materials audit 5 Reasons You Need a Hazardous Materials Audit Before Refurbishment or Demolition 02/06/2023

    Before you undertake a refurbishment or demolition, it is important that you understand your responsibilities and obligations under the law. According to Safe Work Australia these responsibilities apply to people who are ‘conducting a business or undertaking’ (PCBU) as well as demolition contractors or principal contractors. Safe Work also notes that specific duties also apply …

  • Asbestos Identification Asbestos Glossary: 10 Terms You Should Know 18/04/2023

    There’s no doubt that you know what asbestos is, as well as how dangerous it is and its impact on human health. However, when it comes to asbestos identification and other services like asbestos removal and testing, there are a number of important terms to be aware of that you might not know. That’s why …

  • environmental services 4 Reasons Your Workplace Could Need Environmental Services 06/03/2023

    So, you have heard of environmental services, but do you know when it is that your workplace might need them? Perhaps you have heard the job title, ‘environmental consultant’, yet you don’t really know what the job entails. It might surprise you to know that any workplace could need an environmental consultant at any point …

  • Female occupational hygienist working in a laboratory What Are The 5 Occupational Hygiene Hazard Categories? 01/02/2023

    What is occupational hygiene? You might have heard of the term, but could be wondering what it means, or what this field of workplace safety is all about. In basic terms, it refers to hygiene, or safety, in the workplace, meaning that occupational hygienists work to mitigate the risks that come with certain occupations, jobs …

  • environmental sustainable workplace 4 More Ways to Promote a Sustainable Workplace 20/12/2022

    As we approach the final working days before Christmas and New Year, this is a great chance to start setting goals and resolutions for 2023. This time of year presents a perfect opportunity to set ourselves up for the new working year and to start 2023 as we mean to go on. With all the …